This FINAL Project is worth 20% of your final mark.
Due date is June 7th
Late submissions will not be accepted. Attendance is essential. Projects completed in class will only be accepted to ensure that the work is your own.
Character Design
Final Project
Short 2D/3D or Claymation Animation
Using the sound bite provided, students will create a model sheet, storyboard and short animation according to the project description and outline. A sound bite/theme of the project will be provided. Click here to download the sound track
Your animation will run at 12 fps and should be no shorter than one minute but no more than three minutes in length.
Character Animation deals with the creation and animation of characters used in storytelling. They may take the shape of any object in response to the sound bite provided. The “main characters” should be the focus of the production. There are no limitations as to the realism of the characters; however, the movement of the character is a major component of the project. Each student will create a character.
Upon completion of the animation, students will submit their storyboard, model sheets and animation on Moodle. Students must captivate the audience with a good story.
Tasks that will be demonstrated for the project:
·Students may work in teams of two. It is important that the work is shared evenly amongst team members. If you have low attendance, you will be asked to work alone.
·The project will have a specific sound bite to dictate animation. The sound bite will be provided by the teacher and must be included in the final animation.
·Produce storyboards and character model sheets electronically and or on paper that set out your proposed animation.
·The final product will be compared to the storyboard.
·Model sheets MUST include front, profile (side), and back views of the character.
·Students must demonstrate their knowledge of at least five camera angles in their project.
·Students must demonstrate their knowledge of character movement, and include at least one walk (or run) cycle.
·All layers must be labelled.
·There must be an obvious beginning and end to the final animation. This could be through the use of the first frame being black or titling.
Doodle 4 Google Canada is a national contest inviting students from Kindergarten to Grade 12 to redesign the logo for the homepage for a day.*
As Canada blows out a whole lot of candles for its 150th birthday this year, what better way to celebrate than by asking students to imagine what the next 150 years will look like? Google believes our youth hold the key to a bright future for Canada, and can't wait to see what their optimism, creativity and imagination give rise to.
The winning doodle will be featured on the Google Canada homepage for 24 hours. The winning student will also receive a $10,000 university scholarship, a Google Chromebook, and a $10,000 technology award for their current school along with a trip to the final event on June 13, 2017.
This FINAL Project is worth 20% of your final mark.
Due date is June 7th
Late submissions will not be accepted. Attendance is essential. Projects completed in class will only be accepted to ensure that the work is your own.
Character Design
Final Project
Short 2D/3D or Claymation Animation
Using the sound bite provided, students will create a model sheet, storyboard and short animation according to the project description and outline. A sound bite/theme of the project will be provided. Click here to download the sound track
Your animation will run at 12 fps and should be no shorter than one minute but no more than three minutes in length.
Character Animation deals with the creation and animation of characters used in storytelling. They may take the shape of any object in response to the sound bite provided. The “main characters” should be the focus of the production. There are no limitations as to the realism of the characters; however, the movement of the character is a major component of the project. Each student will create a character.
Upon completion of the animation, students will submit their storyboard, model sheets and animation on Moodle. Students must captivate the audience with a good story.
Tasks that will be demonstrated for the project:
·Students may work in teams of two. It is important that the work is shared evenly amongst team members. If you have low attendance, you will be asked to work alone.
·The project will have a specific sound bite to dictate animation. The sound bite will be provided by the teacher and must be included in the final animation.
·Produce storyboards and character model sheets electronically and or on paper that set out your proposed animation.
·The final product will be compared to the storyboard.
·Model sheets MUST include front, profile (side), and back views of the character.
·Students must demonstrate their knowledge of at least five camera angles in their project.
·Students must demonstrate their knowledge of character movement, and include at least one walk (or run) cycle.
·All layers must be labelled.
·There must be an obvious beginning and end to the final animation. This could be through the use of the first frame being black or titling.